Today I attended the first out of two days of my first VMware Beta course. This time it was time to add vSAN to my portfolio. I think first of all a small disclaimer is in order. As said the workshop is in beta. This article is based upon my personal experience. Content might change later on as might the number of days.
The course expects that you have basic knowledge and understanding of the vSAN product. The following course is highly recommended before you attend this workshop.
VMware vSAN: Deploy and Manage [V6.6]
The workshop is a two days course and is delivered via Instructor Led Training (Live Online). It consists of a virtual lab which is located in the United States. People who have followed courses from VMware before might be familiar with this concept since VMware offers these labs during more of their courses. This with exempt to training centers that host and build their own labs.
The course consists of four modules:
Module 1: Course introduction
Module 2: vSAN Software Architecture
Module 3: Troubleshooting Methodology
Module 4: Troubleshooting Tools
One of the best parts of the course is that it includes 14 labs of which 10 Break Fix labs (Not including the 11th bonus Break Fix). Based on real life experience, most common errors are being reproduced and replicated in your lab environment which you have to fix in a calm and controlled environment.
The course is given by Javier Menendez who also happens to have a blog which has some nice detailed information on how the vSAN commands cmmds-tool and objtool work. Of course these commands come with the necessary warnings about incorrect use and potential damage.
The day started with the vSAN architecture explaining CLOM, DOM, LSOM and CMMDS. Also FTT (Failures To Tolerate), which is now called PFTT (Primary Failures To Tolerate) was discussed and how many objects are being created on the vSAN datastore.
To conclude the day a beginning was made with Module 3: Troubleshooting Methodology.
Please visit back later to learn more about day two.