First and foremost welcome to my new blog site. New implies that there already was a blog in the past and truth be told, quite some years ago I already started a blog site that was hosted at
I have been debating whether or not I should start blogging again. With so many new and also good quality bloggers around, the question remained why my blog would provide additional value compared to so many others being around already.
It wasn’t until recently where wonderful reactions from peer colleagues triggered my enthusiasm and curiosity to give it another go. My opinions and insights seemed to be valued and if it benefits one, it might benefit other people as well. And that is all the motivation that is needed.
Since my first blogging experience started at the second VMworld in Europe in Cannes France, it seemed appropriate to pick it up again at yet another VMworld but now in Barcelona.
For those that are not able to attend I will try and recap what is going on in Barcelona, acquire some latest scoops and give an impression of the atmosphere and on top of that provide educational value as well.
I hope you all have as much fun reading my blog as I have creating it.